Food, Fitness, Photography

Food, Fitness, Photography

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Buffalo Mountain 3/24/19

We've been wanting to hike for ages, but weekends get so busy, and then there's the rain that just wouldn't go away all.  It's rained so much this year, the girls were watching ducks swim in a lake across the street!  A lake that wasn't supposed to be there...

We finally found a weekend when we had no other plans, and the weather was actually warm, so we decided we had to go hiking before the rain came back and we lost our chance.  A friend recommended Buffalo Mountain for the views, so that is where we headed.  The drive was only about an hour, and we didn't have any trouble finding the parking lot.  Knowing which trail to follow was a bit tricker, about a quarter mile in we came to an intersection of several trails and the signs weren't too clear on which one led where.  GPS signal was good though, and we were able to figure out which trail to use based on the map on our phones!  We used the GPS map at several different intersections throughout the hike to make sure we took the correct trail.

Ready to head up the trail! 

We followed the White Rock Trail Loop.  

There were several overlooks along the way. 

This one happened to be right where the power lines ran down the mountain...

There was a yellow butterfly making laps around the top of the mountain when we arrived.  It was super hard to focus on it with the zoom lens, but I tried to get some photos! 

My legs definitely let me know that I hadn't hiked in a long time!  We hiked 5.3 miles, with 1,460 ft of elevation gain.  2 weeks later the blister on my heel from all that uphill in my Chacos is still healing...I probably should have worn my hiking boots instead.  This cold rainy spring has kept me from getting my feet used to the Chacos in time for a hike!

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