Food, Fitness, Photography

Food, Fitness, Photography

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Workout Wednesday

I started my after school workout class on September 11 and here I am a month later finally posting a Workout Wednesday is so busy!  I didn't even get a workout up on Instagram until the 3rd week of the class and usually Instagram is something I don't have trouble keeping up with.  Unfortunately we missed week 4 because everyone was too busy, and we missed week 5 this week because we all had parent-teacher conferences after school.  But hopefully we'll be back next week! 

I got ambitious this year and printed out the first two workouts on a double sided sheet and then laminated them and put them on binder rings.  I somehow found the time to do the same thing with workouts 3 and 4.  Hopefully I will be able to keep up this trend all year...  It has been super helpful so far, because now each participant can have their own exercise list right next to them instead of trying to read the little iPad screen as we go along. Also, they can take home the workout list if they'd like to do the workout again later in the week. 

For weeks 1 and 2 we started out easy with 30 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, 3 rounds, 2 minutes between rounds.  On week 3, we increased the work to 40 seconds.  


This week, since I had no school on Monday and knew we wouldn't be able to work out on Tuesday, I did my own workout at home on Monday.  I designed an 80 countdown circuit for myself, and somehow managed to complete 5 rounds.  I was a puddle on the floor by the end of the 5th round, but I was able to complete all the exercises without failure until the push-ups in round 5, so I felt pretty good about it! 
10 seconds of rest between exercises, 1 minute of rest between rounds. 

I turned one of my mirrors sideways and leaned it against the wall so I could see my form on the plank.  This really helped me to make sure I was holding proper form during the duration of each plank, as I was able to see when I started falling, and then could correct myself.  I have two mirrors in my  workout room, and they have been super helpful in helping me identify and correct problems in my form with various exercises!

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